As you can probably tell I'm not getting much painting done myself, but Sadie, Zoe and Rocky decided to give me a "hand" and finish one of my paintings while I was in the salon doing a hilight. They didn't actually get ahold of my painting but got the palette instead. They've done quite a number to my floor too...lol...going to have to repaint that soon also.
They all came to the shop with me today to go down and get their 2nd set of shots. (Their vet is only a couple doors down, very convienent.) They are twelve weeks today. Rocky weighed in at 34 pounds, Sadie 31, and Zoe 30. I'm sure people up & down the block shake their heads when 5 dogs spill out of my Durango every morning. There is a large grassy field across the street from us so it's easy to take them all outside during the day and a walking path cuts through it so we can go for walks also. We had a scarey moment with Kiera tonight though as we were loading everyone up to go home, evidently we weren't paying enough attention to her as we were putting the puppies in and she went and stood in the middle of the street. Fortunately cars got stopped. SO unlike her to do something like that, guess you can just never let your guard down no matter how much you trust them. But she's fine, so lesson learned. Have a good weekend!!
UPDATE ON SARGE: He has now gone to live with our neighbors, Cindi & Eddy. His new name is Zeus. He loves them and has settled in well. Two days after he went to live at his new home (I thought I was down to 2 puppies) we got the news we would be getting Sadie back. Her owners didn't think they could afford to keep her, so we're back to three and looks like it's going to stay that way. Anyone have a farm for sale??